
Helping home services launch personalized mail at scale

We help home services businesses grow revenue by targeting homeowners and local businesses with direct mail. Using our proprietary MapExtract tool and direct mail framework, we get you the leads no one else has, without you lifting a finger.

Our Approach

At BlueAcquire, we understand the power of direct mail marketing to connect home services companies with their ideal customers - homeowners. With years of experience and a passion for helping businesses grow, we've perfected the art of targeted direct mail campaigns that deliver results.

Our approach is simple yet effective. We combine cutting-edge data analytics and AI with creative design and strategic planning to craft direct mail campaigns that resonate with homeowners and drive engagement. From identifying your target audience to designing compelling letters, we handle every step of the process with precision and care.

Custom Database Build

Reach the right homeowners with our highly targeted mailing lists of over 140MM owners.

At BlueAcquire, our process for creating targeted mailing lists is driven by data and precision. We begin by conducting in-depth research to identify your ideal homeowner prospects based on criteria such as location, demographics, and behavioral patterns. Leveraging advanced data analytics tools and industry insights, we then curate highly segmented mailing lists that precisely target those most likely to respond to your offers. Our meticulous approach ensures that every piece of direct mail reaches the right mailbox, maximizing your campaign's effectiveness and ROI.

Letter Template Creation

Stand out in the mailbox with strategic design and copy that avoids the trash can.

Our creative design process at BlueAcquire is dedicated to crafting visually captivating and impactful mailers that grab homeowners' attention from the moment they see them in the mailbox. We start by understanding your brand identity, messaging, and campaign objectives, allowing us to create designs that resonate with your target audience. Our team of experienced designers then brings your vision to life, employing innovative techniques, compelling imagery, and persuasive copy to ensure that your mailers not only stand out but also effectively communicate your message. From concept to final execution, we prioritize creativity and originality, ensuring that your direct mail pieces leave a lasting impression and drive desired responses.

Direct Mail Campaign Management

Focus on running your business, while we manage the details.

Our direct mail campaign management process at BlueAcquire is designed to streamline every aspect of your campaign, from inception to execution. We begin by collaborating closely with you to understand your goals, target audience, and budget constraints. Using this information, we develop a comprehensive strategy that includes timeline planning, budget allocation, and creative direction. Our dedicated team oversees the entire campaign process, managing everything from list acquisition and design to printing and mailing. With a keen eye on campaign performance, we continuously monitor and optimize strategies to ensure maximum effectiveness and ROI. Through transparent communication and detailed reporting, we keep you informed every step of the way, allowing you to confidently entrust your direct mail marketing efforts to us.

Why Direct Mail?

In today's digital age, direct mail stands out as a highly effective marketing channel, especially for home services companies. With direct mail, you can reach homeowners directly in their homes, where they're most receptive to offers and promotions. Plus, direct mail offers a tangible touchpoint that digital marketing simply can't replicate.

👍 135% response increase

Personalized direct mail campaigns yield a 135% increase in response rates over non-personalized campaigns. (Yes, we personalize every piece of mail).

👍 73% preference

73% of consumers say they prefer direct mail for brand communication because it's more tangible than digital ads. Direct mail has an average open rate between 57.5% – 85%.

👍 112% average ROI

Direct mail has the highest return on investment of 112% across all mediums, followed by SMS (102%), email (93%), and paid search (88%).

Simple Pricing

We don't overcomplicate things. Our pricing starts at $0.94 per letter you send.

Starting at


per letter

Custom address database build

Homeowner name enhancement

Letter template creation

Custom QR code

Address validation prior to sending

Printing, folding, and postage

Active ongoing management

Monthly campaign reporting

Delivery tracking

Companies We Serve

We help home services companies target over 140MM homeowners in the United States.

Get Started Today

Ready to take your direct mail marketing to the next level? Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you grow your home services business.